Maddie Straub Scholarship

This scholarship dedicated to the life and memory of Maddie Straub. Maddie was a staple of our snack shack for many years and her life was cut tragically short in September 2024. She is greatly missed and this is our way to honor her legacy of being a loving daughter, sister and friend and recognize her hard work and dedication in and around the Pembroke community; specifically her strong work ethic and commitment to local businesses. She leaves a lasting memory to her family, friends, and coworkers from her many jobs (the PYBS Snack Shack, Christina's Restaurant, Duxbury Oyster Farm, and babysitter).


Applicants must meet the following minimum criteria to be considered for an award:

  • Graduating high school senior from Pembroke High School or Silver Lake High School seeking financial aid toward college or trade school.
  • Confirmed enrollment in fall semester will need to be verified in order to receive scholarship funds.
  • Have a minimum cumulative GPA of 3.0
  • Current or prior involvement in local programs supporting youth activity.
  • Current, verifiable employment by a local business.

***If any applicant would prefer to mail us the application materials instead of submitting on line, please send an email to for further instructions***


Two awards will be distributed of $1,500.00 each; one to a Pembroke High School student and one to a Silver Lake High School student.

Amounts may change year - to - year dependent on annual fundraising activities.


April 3, 2025

Application Deadline

May 29, 2025

Silver Lake High Senior Awards Night

May 29, 2025

Pembroke High Senior Awards Night

The Maddie Straub Scholarship Fund

If you would like to make a contribution to the Madison Straub Scholarship Fund, please email or send Venmo to Pembroke Youth Baseball & Softball, indicating it is a donation to the Maddie Straub Scholarship Fund.

Contact Information

Please email with any questions. The league will be sure to put you in contact with a member of the awards committee.

2025 Maddie Straub Memorial

2025 PYBS Maddie Straub Memorial Scholarship

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