Summer 2024 A Teams: 9U, 10U, 11U & 12U

We are thrilled to see the excitement and ongoing performance growth of our kids and are looking forward to a competitive and fun summer. 8U, 13U and 14U registration will be open shortly.

Congratulations to the below athletes!

Summer 2024 12U A Team

Coaches: Jim Cooley, Jon Simmons, Mike Gear, John Nelson

Ben Bleidorn

Erin Cooley

Stephen DeRenne

Theo deBakker

Danny Finn

Evan Gear

Anthony Giacoia

JP Nelson

Chris Reggiannini

Connor Simmons

Zack Skutul

Matthew Vancisin

Jack Baker (alternate)

Summer 2024 11U A Team

Coaches: Scott Kelley, George Howe, Jon McMullin, Dave Crowell

Julian Bizzozero

Fynn Crowell

Tommy Fluet

Nolan Howe

Charlie Kelley

Connor Kelley

Jonathan Levy

Ryan Marani

Tiergan McMullin

William Pope

Preston Scelsa

Andrew Smolinsky

Summer 2024 10U A Team

Coaches: John Mahoney, Colin deBakker, Matt Jones, Mike Goldberg

Ben Brinn

Calvin deBakker

Paddy Finn

Will Goldberg

Nate Jones

Ronan Mahoney

Liam Monteforte

Cam Parker

Mason Reardon

Mitch Stevens

Emmitt Stoddard

Summer 2024 9U A Team

Connor Brennan

Harrison Burridge

Julian Clark

Thomas Cobe

Seamus Finn

Georgie Grey

Thomas Levy

Leo Marani

Andrew Melone

Hudson Moeller

Patrick Owen

Colin Patterson

Ben Vancissin